Sunday, November 1, 2009


Yeah I'm still here! I thought Halloween might be a good time to start blogging again. We had a great one! Its a tradition that we (my bro's and sister and their family) go to my moms for chili and trick or treat in her neighborhood. All the cousins get together for some candy! Then we went to trick or treat at Brandon's mom and dads. (i think they thought it was Christmas or something). They got pj's sippy cups, socks, candy and play doh. Anyway i waited until the last minute to get Kayla's costume because i thought that Julia's ladybug outfit was going to fit her and it didn't. I had the hardest time finding anything! so my last resort was the second hand store and guess what? There i found this flower bib thing for $1.50! I was SO excited. it was perfect for her since she wasn't really trick or treating! Julia told me like 2 months ago she wanted to be a cat, she never changed her mind even after looking at all the other costumes. Se was the cutest cat EVER! She really enjoyed it this year (exp with Addie).
Kayla's 1st Birthday is next week so ill post pics then!

She thinks she's going to eat that candy she has in her hand.

This was the best pic i could get of the two of them.
The last thing they wanted to do was take pictures.
Now this is the cutest cat and mouse I've ever seen!

Cousins (Zach was Toad from Mario bros.)

here kitty kitty kitty

i just thought this was funny!
(at old navy)
Hope everyone had a good Halloween!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thankful Thursday

So last night Julia and I were laying in bed going to sleep and this is the conversation that we had...
Julia- "Mommy"
Me- "yeah"
Julia- "i love you"
Me- "i love you too baby" (tear)
Julia- "sweet dreams"
Me- "aw sweet dreams to you too"
A little while passes..
Julia gets up leans over and kisses me on the cheek! (lots of tears at this point)
Anyway i am thankful for my wonderful, beautiful, healthy children!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tents and much more!

Hello, i know i haven't blogged in forever but i didn't really have much to blog about until last weekend. and Julia has been sick so i haven't had time to blog either. But we are all doing well, Kayla is getting so big i cant believe it, she will be 1 in alittle over a month. i have been debating what i want to do her party in and trying to find the perfect cake, she went to the doctor the other day and she weighed 19lbs 6oz and is healthy as can be! Julia is still Julia, some of the stuff she does we just cant believe, so smart its crazy! She has even went few nights with panties on instead of a diaper and hasn't wet the bed so I'm really excited about that too! We had a really really busy weekend last weekend i have some photos of some of the stuff we did, but the one thing i really wanted to take pictures at was the circus, but my camera was dead when i got there! i was so mad! Brandon's sisters husband won tickets on the radio and they didn't want to go so Brandon, Julia, Danny (Brandon's Dad) and myself went. It was my first circus. Julia loved it and we had a really good time too.

One night Brandon made this tent for the girls, Julia loves tents. We all layed in it and watched Beauty and the Beast. He used every blanket and chair we had!

Hi Girls!
Kayla in the tent.

And this was about half way thru the movie.

One of the girls i work with got married last weekend, It was a beautiful wedding and the weather couldn't have been any better. The kids had a blast dancing and Dana looked so beautiful! Congratulations Duggars your so cute together!
Them in the carriage.

These are the silly girls i work with! I love them!
(its fuzzy though, sorry)

SOME of the PDW kids with the Bride

LOVE this picture!
Its Julia and Jillian at the wedding.

After we left the wedding a little early we had to go Addie's Birthday party (which was all Julia was talking about for WEEKS) It was at the Flip Zone, so of course the kids loved that! It was a nice party and there were ALOT of people there and she got ALOT of presents!

Julia hula hooping (or at least trying)

Addie with her cake
Happy 3rd Birthday Addie!
I really didn't get alot of pictures at the party like i wanted because within a 6 hour period i was at a wedding and a birthday party with both kids and i was exhausted!
Well I'm done for now

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ALL kinds of stuff!

First of all, Today Brandon and I have been married for 3 years!
Two kids and a house later, I'd say we have had a busy 3 years.
Anyway I love him and i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him!

OK enough about us, we have been very busy these past 3 weeks it seems like, the explains the not posting in FOREVER! We have been swimming a couple of times, once at Brandon's aunt and uncles house, that was the first time Kayla has ever been swimming, because of the weather has been so crappy this summer, and i guess it was Julia's first time too, she has played in the sprinkler a few times though, we also went to Splash Island for a party for work, that was really fun and I'm glad that i went, they had food and towels they were giving out and everything. Julia loved it and she got to play with the other kids from our office. Brandon's sister got him Edwin McCain tickets for his birthday so we (Brandon, Melissa, Evan and myself) went to that concert last week, it was alot of fun as well, and the best part was watching people! I also went out for Dana's (a girl at work) bachorlette party, i actually only went to eat with them at Susi on the rocks. They went out afterwords. That was fun too.
Kayla has the army crawl down and is getting into everything, she is now really determined to catch up with Julia. Its so cute and i cant believe she is getting so big!
Julia is a stink more then ever! She is fully potty trained (except at night i guess) so that's awesome. it wasn't has hard as i thought it was going be, she did a Great Job!

K chilling at the fair. With her leg hiked up and everything.

Posing with the goat.

Julia and Jillian, her eyes are alittle crazy but cute anyways.

Brooklyn Loved Kayla (hopefully she loves baby brother Will when he comes too)

Loves the water.

Loves Cheese Puffs!
They are all over her face if you cant tell.

My cupcake!

My nanny for the evening. Thanks Ellen!
I just thought this was too cute!
Also Addie came over for alittle while one day, they just love each other and play really good together!
How Cute!

Dr. Carr

Dr. Lair

Silly Faces!

I hope they love each other this much FOREVER!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Carr/Baldwin Wedding

Brandon's sister Melissa got married last weekend. Brandon, Julia and myself were all in the wedding. We had alot of fun! The only 2 things that kinda went wrong were the music wasn't working right for us to come down the aisle and when Julia and the ring bearer came down they sprinted got up on some chairs and the ring bearer fell off the chair and busted his head on the cement. He seemed fine at the reception so hopefully hes OK. I am so thankful it wasn't Julia because she would have been screaming thru the whole thing. Other than that it was a beautiful wedding and we are so happy for them! Congratulations, hope you had fun in Cabo!

This was on our way to the rehearsal. She didn't have a nap so she crashed on the way there.
Kayla getting ready to eat before we went.
This was the first time they had met. They loved each other. Hugging and Julia was even saying Hi Suga Buga (she also says that to Kayla all the time) to him as she held his face. She is such a Lover. We better watch out.

They had a Mexican Themed dinner at Mel and Evan's house, so we just had to put on the mustaches!

Of course there was no way Kayla was going to look at the camera when i had a necklace on. And Julia didn't want to take a picture at all so she was trying to get away.

Their cake.

Julia wore this dress for her first Easter and it matched their colors PERFECT!

I LOVE when she does this!

Yes my husband was intoxicated, but actually this was in the beginning. The DJ had people volunteer to put on a concert. Evan actually won because he slid across the floor on his knees.

Julia fell asleep on my friend Stephanie's shoulder around 10:30 and we didn't leave until 12. I couldn't believe that she slept thru the loud music and drunk people.
I really didn't get any pictures of Mel and Evan i guess, when we get more ill post some of them.
Also Julia is doing really good with potty training. It has been a week and i think shes getting the hang of it. unless she doesn't want to stop what she is doing to go. And Kayla is now saying Ma Ma! and all kinds of stuff. Shes growing so fast!
Hope everyone has a good week.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am so very thankful for our friends, We only have a few but they are wonderful! Both of them are married but do not have kids of their own yet, I can not wait for them to have some, but this partially why i am so thankful. They love and adore my kids like they were their own and the girls feel the same about them. Stephanie and I have been thru so much stuff since 6Th grade but we have stayed so close. and Malorie and i were friends first in 4Th and 5Th grade but kinda lost touch until a few years ago. Now i don't know what i would do without them!

I hate them they always take cut pictures together!

Stephanie teaching Julia how to jump rope.

aww i love this picture.

So it was time for the girls to play ping pong but Kayla was hungry so Chase (Stephanie's husband) held the baby food jar for Brandon so he could feed her. How sweet Chase. You cant get a better friend than that!